Tag: Democratic Party

  • God Help America!

    The Republican Party is betting that America is more homophobic, racist and sexist so their path to attaining and retaining power is to play to our nation’s basest instincts. “The American political system is so slanted toward the overrepresentation of the Republican Party’s core supporters, rural and exurban conservatives, that even when their views and…

  • Donald Trump is Such a Kidder!

    These people. They just can’t take a joke.  First, he sarcastically ran for the office of the President of the United States even though he is not qualified to run the country and he has no ideas how to and is not even interested in running the country. Ruin the country, maybe, but run it, no.…

  • Mandela, ANC Heading for Solid Win in Election

    By GENE MUSTAIN and MICHAEL O. ALLEN, Daily News Staff Writers | Monday, May 2, 1994 JOHANNESBURG—Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress was headed for victory yesterday with a 54.7% share of the vote so far in South Africa’s national election. Despite slow and chaotic vote counting, the ANC and its president, Mandela, appeared headed for…

  • It’s a New Day for S. African Women

    By MICHAEL O. ALLEN, Daily News Staff Writer | Sunday, May 8, 1994 JOHANNESBURG—Zodwa Tshabalala, her left leg shattered at the knee, crawled through an open gate as neighbors who heard her screaming clustered around her. “I’ll kill you if you are not gone by the time I come back,” her fiancé told her before…

  • Clinton outmaneuvered

    Story by STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer, Fri May 30 Unlike Hillary Rodham Clinton, rival Barack Obama planned for the long haul. Clinton hinged her whole campaign on an early knockout blow on Super Tuesday, while Obama’s staff researched congressional districts in states with primaries that were months away. What they found were opportunities to…

  • Night and Day

    I saw the contrasting pictures on the night of the so-called ‘Potomac Primaries’ and did not think anything of it until I read Frank Rich yesterday. We don’t yet know who the Democratic Party nominee for president will be but, whoever it is, it is going to be a nice contrast with the presumptive Republican…

  • “A.B.M.”

    The Clintons and the national media covering the Democratic Party race for the presidential nomination have broken out a new story line regarding Barack Obama: That he’s “angry” and “frustrated.” Hillary Clinton practically taunts him with this. It does not help that the media has not only totally bought into this, they’re mischaracterizing their news…

  • Bill. Raw

    Obama once said, in response to people (the Clintons) who said he’s in too much of a hurry to become president, that what they wanted was for him to wait until all the hope is boiled out of him. It was a good line. He probably did not realize that there was not going to…

  • Sharing

    I posted a piece about Barack Obama a couple of days ago. I got a couple of comments from Todd Drew of the Yankees for Justice blog (great blog) and one of his readers. Here’s what they said and my reply: Todd Drew said… There are a lot of liberals that think the Democratic Party…