Tag: police brutality

  • Nick Cannon Talks ‘Black Lives Matter’

    When I say Black Lives matter That don’t mean yours don’t When we say Black lives matter That don’t mean your kids won’t They will… They gonna say it with us, because they get us. When I say Black lives matter that don’t mean yours don’t When I say Black lives matter Don’t me white…

  • LIVOTI BOUNCED IN SAFIR CRACKDOWN; Commish orders profiles of too-tough cops

    February 22, 1997 by MICHAEL O. ALLEN and JOHN MARZULLI, Daily News Staff Writers Police Commissioner Howard Safir yesterday vowed tougher monitoring of cops accused of brutality after he fired a controversial Bronx officer whose use of an illegal choke hold led to a man’s death. Safir canned Officer Francis Livoti for violating departmental regulations…