Tag: Rush Limbaugh

  • Rush Limbaugh for The Progressive

    This is an illustration for an article in this month’s Progressive, Conservatives in Crisis by Ruth Conniff, about how conservatives are facing an ideological crisis after eight years of Bush and their trouncing in the election. From the article: “While Obama is declaring the argument between big-government liberalsĀ  and free-market-fundamentalist conservatives over, Rush Limbaugh isĀ …

  • Cage Match

    John McCain (incidentally, senator, Jack Balkin at Balkination, has a question) is piling up primary victories. But radio entertainer and reigning Republican party demagogue extraordinaire Rush Limbaugh says that don’t matter. And Dr. James Dobson (doctor of what? who’s he ever cured of anything?) of “Focus on Family” also says voters don’t matter. He’ll decide…